Trick: The Movie 2002

Trick: The Movie


Original Title
トăƒȘック 抇栮版

Hong Kong Title
Trick: The Movie

Plot Synopsis

In a Tiny village, disaster befalls its inhabitants every 300 years, or so they say. A popular self-styled magician named Naoko (Yuloe Malama) is summoned as a deity to rid the people of their anxiety. But there are many would be deities there, one who can materialize anything, one with eyes in his feet... each posing as a god. When a series of bizarre incidents occurs, Naoko is cornered with a genius physicist (Hiroshi Abe) and Detective Yabe (Katsuhisa Namase). Do deities actually exist, or are they charlatans?

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Trick: The Movie 2
Trick: The Movie 22006

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